From Farm to Fabulous

July 09, 2016 - comments

CentraState Healthcare Foundation and the Women’s Health Network committee will hold their “Farm to Fabulous” dinner celebration to benefit Women’s Health Services at CentraState Medical Center.

The event is Saturday, July 23rd at 5:00 PM at the pastoral setting of The Reid Sod Farm on Howell Road in Farmingdale.

The Women’s Health Network committee’s mission is to create awareness of the importance of community-based women’s health and wellness initiatives through women-to-women networking, promotion and support.

This country chic affair will feature farm to table creations prepared on site by Rob Kash, owner of the Metropolitan Café.

There will be live music and country line dancing combined with drinks, classic lawn games, a gift auction and a sunset toast.

Tickets to this event are $125.

For more information check out 

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