The Role of Marquis de Lafayette @ Library Headquarters
Oct 7 @ 7:00 pm

Dr. David Martin will discuss the role of Marquis de Lafayette and other French officers from the Battle of Monmouth.

Jim Norton- Mouthful of Shame Tour! @ Count Basie Theatre
Mar 3 @ 8:00 pm


Coming off his latest work, a critically acclaimed comedy show special, Jim Norton will bring his humor on the road with him. Norton is a comedian, actor and bestselling author. Regularly, he guest starts on The Tonight Show, The Late Show with David Letterman, Louie, and Inside Amy Schumer. This show is sure to bring you a good laugh and a night full of laughs.

The Kennedys (Pete and Maura) @ Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Apr 23 @ 7:30 pm

A musical duo from Texas, these two have been touring together for years. Celebrating 20 years together, they decided to tour and show off their new album. This tour is all about their musical roots and is sure to bring you back in time a little bit. Great talent and a great night for all.

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